Sunday, July 19, 2015

Upper Mustang Trek


Once an independent kingdom, the kingdom of Mustang was annexed by Nepal after Nepal was declared a republic in 2007. The Mustangis or the people of Mustang call themselves Lobas, and they have their own King or Tribe-leader, Jigme Palbar Bista. The Nepal Government took back the official recognition of Bista as the Mustangi King but however, the people there still respect him as their King. Bista also grants audience to the visitors upon request. 

Chorten along the way

Mustang is rich in Buddhist culture, similar to the area of the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Thus, it is an alternate way to experience the Tibetan culture and landscape.

Kagbeni along the Kali Gandai river

Upper Mustang trek starts after a scenic flight to Jomsom: the district headquarter of Mustang. Walking along the Kali Gandaki River, we trek to Kagbeni from where a special Mustang permit is required to pass beyond the point. Crossing mountain passes, fields of Barley and several ancient villages, we reach Lo-Manthang. The white washed walls at the city enclose around 150 homes, Gompas and a palace. At Lo-Manthang, we explore the town and observe a vibrant Tibetan culture.

If you are interested in this frre, feel free to contact us. 

Day to day itinerary:

Day 01:  Arrive in Kathmandu. Transfer to hotel.
Day 02:  Kathmandu valley sightseeing.
Day 03:  Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara.
Day 04:  Fly from Pokhara to Jomsom. Trek to Kagbeni
Day 05:  Trek to Chele.
Day 06:  Trek to Geling.
Day 07:  Trek to Tsarang.
Day 08:  Trek to Lo-Manthang.
Day 09:  Explore Lo-Manthang.
Day 10:  Trek to Ghami.
Day 11:  Trek to Samar.
Day 12:  Trek to Kagbeni.
Day 13:  Trek to Jomsom.
Day 14:  Fly to Pokhara.
Day 15:  Drive to Kathmandu.
Day 16:  Free day at Kathmandu.
Day 17:  Final Departure. Transfer to the airport.

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