Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Across the Kali Gandaki

One of the most popular trek in Nepal, also referred to as Apple Pie trek cos of the culinary skills of the legendary Thakali inn-keepers who run some of the most pleasant mountain lodges and a reminder of the apple orchards near the quaint and charming settlement of Marpha, is the gateway to Nepal’s hidden treasure “Mustang”. Because of the varied topography and places of interests, this trek is famously known with trekkers where you explore the arid dry landscape of Mustang resembling the Tibetan Plateau and visit the renowned Hindu and Buddhist’s sacred pilgrimage site of Muktinath passing through the highest pass in the world – Thorong La Pass.  This trek also takes you through the Kali Gandaki gorge – the deepest gorge in the world – where the powerful Kali Gandaki River cut deep through the Himalaya between the massive peaks of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri. The Kali Gandaki gorge has been used as a trade route between India and Tibet for centuries. Today, it is part of a popular trekking route from Pokhara to Muktinath, part of the Annapurna Circuit. The gorge is within the Annapurna Conservation Area.

The cultural diversity is another amazing thing in this trekking trip. At the start of the trek, you pass first through Brahmin and Chhetri villages, then Gurung and Magar villages of Ghorepani, and finally, along the Kali Gandaki – Thakali villages. This “Across the Kali Gandaki” trekking offers you the experience of a lifetime.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us.


Day 01: Arrival day in Kathmandu (1,300m/4,264 ft)
Day 02: Kathmandu valley sightseeing and Trek preparation.
Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara (820m)- 6 to 7 hrs
Day 04: Drive to Nayapul & trek to Tikhedhunga- (1,577m)- 3 to 4 hrs
Day 05: Tikhedhunga to Ghorepani (2,850m) - 5-6 hrs
Day 06: Early hike to Poon Hill and trek down to Tatopani (1,190m),- 5 to 7 hrs
Day 07: Tatopani to Kalopani (2,560m),-6 to 7 hrs
Day 08: Kalopani to Marpha (2,665m), -5 to 6 hrs
Day 09: Marpha to Kagbeni (2,810m), -4 to 5 hrs
Day 10: Kagbeni to Muktinath (3,800m), -3 to 4 hrs
Day 11: Early morning climb to Thorung-La Pass (5,416m) back to Muktinath (3,800m)
Day 12: Muktinath to Jomsom (2,713m), - 5 to 6 hrs
Day 13: In the morning fly to Pokhara (850m), flight about 25 minutes.
Day 14: At noon flight to Kathmandu from Pokhara.

Day 15: Final Departure. Transfer to the airport.

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