Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Makalu Base Camp Trek

Makalu base camp

Mt. Makalu (8,463m) is the fifth tallest mountain of the world. A close neighbor to Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga, it lies in the northeast region of Nepal in the Makalu-Barun National Park bordering Tibet. Makalu means the Great Black One, so called due to its dark brooding appearance. Established in 1992, Makalu-Barun National Park is the only National Park that expands from tropical forest to world’s highest alpine zone above 8000 meters from sea level. Having a wide range of attitudinal and climatic variations, the Makalu-Barun area offers a remarkable and diverse habitat for a rich variety of flora and fauna.

Mt Makalu

The route begins with a flight into Tumlingtar, a town at the base of the hills that climb into Makalu-Barun National park. Nestled in the lower reaches of the valley are communities of Rai, Sherpa, and Shingsawa (Bhotia) farmers. Though economically poor and isolated, they retain a rich cultural heritage. They hold the key to the preservation of the unique biological and cultural treasures of the Makalu Barun area. We will then drive to our trailhead in Chichira. Through villages and subtropical forests, descents ascents of the Arun River valley, and hikes over a series of passes including Shipton La pass (4200m) into the upper Barun valley, we finally reach Makalu Base Camp. From a view point above Makalu Base Camp there are stunning views of the world's highest mountains, including Everest (8,845m), Lhotse (8,516m), Makalu (8,463m), Chamlang (7,319m) and Baruntse (7,220m).

Most of the trekkers and mountaineers visit the Makalu-Barun area during October-November and March-April when high passes are less likely to be snowed over. Lower elevations are temperate throughout winter, and hot during April and May. Heavy monsoon rains occur throughout the region from June through September, with occasional showers during April-May. Makalu base camp trekking is one of the most remote and unfrequented trekking areas of Nepal where tourist are visited for unforgettable life experience.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us.

Day to day itinerary:
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu. Transfer to hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu valley sightseeing and trek preparation.
Day 03: Fly from Kathmandu to Tumlingtar and drive to Chichira.
Day 04: Trek to Num.
Day 05: Trek to Seduwa.
Day 06: Trek to Tashigaon.
Day 07: Trek to Khongma Danda.
Day 08: Acclimatization at Khongma Danda.
Day 09: Trek to Dobate.
Day 10: Trek to Yangri Kharka.
Day 11: Trek to Langmale Kharka.
Day 12: Trek to Makalu Base Camp.
Day 13: Explore Makalu Base Camp.
Day 14: Trek to Yangri Kharka.
Day 15: Trek to Dobate.
Day 16: Trek to Khongma Danda.
Day 17: Trek to Tashigaon.
Day 18: Trek to Seduwa.
Day 19: Trek to Num.
Day 20: Trek to Tumlingtar
Day 21: Fly from Tumlingtar to Kathmandu.
Day 22: Free day at Kathmandu.
Day 23: Final departure. Transfer to the airport.

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