Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Lower Mustang Trek


Mustang is a remote, semi-independent Tibetan kingdom opened to the outside world for trekking in the year 1992 lies just to the north of the Annapurna Region on the Tibetan border. Lower Mustang Trek is the classic tea-house trek in Nepal where you can explore and observe the lifestyle and traditions of Gurung, Magar and Thakali ethnic communities of Nepal. The trek follows the ancient trading route to Tibet in the Kali Gandaki valley.

Chorten along the way

This Lower Mustang Trek is a part of Annapurna trek that takes us first to Poon Hill for breathtaking views of the Dhaulagiri and Annapurnas and then to the southern border of the kingdom of Mustang. Ghorepani Poon Hill trek takes you to the west of Pokhara giving superb Himalayan scenery of the whole Annapurna region, crossing beautiful Gurung villages and rhododendron forests. 

Muktinath Temple

From Poon hill, we trek to Tatopani where you can soak your tired body in the hot springs for some relaxation. From there, the route goes to Muktinath; a sacred temple for both Buddhist and Hindu followers via Kagbeni which is the door to the Kingdom of Mustang. After visiting the temple, we trek to Jomsom: the headquarter of Mustang and fly back to Pokhara.

If you have any queries regarding the trek, please feel fee to contact us.

Day to day itinerary:
Day 01: Arrive in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu valley sightseeing.
Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara.
Day 04: Drive from Pokhara to Nayaypul and trek to Tikhedunga.
Day 05: Trek to Ghorepani.
Day 06: Early morning hike to Poon Hill and trek towards Tatopani.
Day 07: Trek to Ghasa.
Day 08: Trek to Tukche.
Day 09: Trek to Kagbeni.
Day 10: Trek to Muktinath.
Day 11: Trek to Jomsom.
Day 12: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara.
Day 13: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu.
Day 14: Rest day at Kathmandu.

Day 15: Final departure, Transfer to the airport.

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