Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hiking to Changu Narayan from Nagarkot

Nagarkot to Changu Narayan is a comfortable walk of about three hours. The trail descends and becomes a gentle uphill climb leading through a pine-tree plantation. There are gorgeous views across the valley to the Himalayas as the trail passes through several little Chhetri settlements, Soon, the glided roofs of Changu Narayan can be seen above the clustered houses of Changu village. A stone-paved street leads up to the impressive temple of Changu Narayan with early stone sculptures.  There are four entrances to the temple and these gates are guarded by life size pairs of animals such as lions, sarabhas, graffins and elephants on each side of the entrances. The ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu and the other idols are carved in the struts, which support the roof. The temple is built on a hilltop was completely rebuilt after a fire destroyed it in 1702. But its origins go back to the 4th century. It is one of Nepal's rchest structures historically as well as artistically. The temple of Changu Narayan dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is believed to be the oldest shrine in the Valley and is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From Changu Narayan, a staircase leads down to a fork in the trail, the left one to Bhaktapur and the right descending ti rice paddies and across a stream to the Sankhu road. 

Due to the recent earthquake, only a minor damage to the surroundings of the temple has been noted. There hasn't been any destruction to the temple itself. With the development in tourism in this place, we can find many medium and small sized hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, etc. An ancient stone tap is located on the way to Changu Narayan which is believed to have existed since the time of Lichhavi. A private museum is also located on in the Changu Narayan on the way to temple. According to Binaya Raj Shrestha, the owner of the museum, it is the first private museum of Nepal and it has the collection of ancient coins, tools, arts and architectures. There is an excellent collection of ancient, historical, artistic, religious, archaeological, cultural and other rare objects. The museum has a good collection of ancient tools used by Newar family during the medieval period.

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