Sunday, February 28, 2016


Chisapani-nagarkot hiking trips is a short and widely popular trips primarily designed to provide you a  unique opportunity  to explore great number of wonders of nature ,rural Nepal and the awe inspiring majestic and  panoramic view of mountains which includes Mt.manaslu, Boudha Himal ,Ganesh himal ,Mt Manaslu Langtang Himalayan range , Dorjee-lakpa, shishapangma Gaurishankar, incredible landscape and many more.This trek is best and renowned among the trekkers who are travelling with children, families , students and can enjoy outdoor camping but who do not have enough time for longer treks into the high mountains.It's the high . It's the hike route near Kathmandu valley which presents spectacular Himalayan panorama with traditional countryside lifestyle as well as flora and fauna.

 At first our destination is chisapani (2,194m) where we will be enjoying the real spectacular gift of nature and you will be welcomed by the revelation of nature as the striking view of langtang , everest  gaurishankar range will  disclose in front of your eyes. You will be  delighted  by the undeniable splendor of nature as well as the countryside lifestyle of the people living in the village as you cross the ridge of chisapani and move towards Shivapuri National Park.

On the way you can have majestic panoramic view of the  rolwaling Himalayan range similarly, you can observe the historic and cultural town  at ChanguNarayan  temple. we will start hiking at beautiful and very popular village Nagarkot, well known for early sunrise view.After taking graveled road and local trail we will reach to another beautiful place Dhulikhel. You shall pass through the pine forests, terraces and the typical ethnic villages.You can view Bhaktapur near to you and kathmandu valley at the far distance from this holistic temple changunarayan and can  collect splendid view of range of himalayas on the way.After making trip all around you will return back to kathmandu by ending memorable journey of your life.

·         To find out more about this trekking please contact hare.

  • Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu airport and transfer to hotel.
    Day 02:
     Full Day sightseeing of Kathmandu.
    Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Sundarijal and Hike to Chisapani - around four and half hours.
    Day 04: Hike from Chisapani to Nagarkot - around six and half hours.
    Day 05: Hike from Nagarkot to Dhulikhel - around Six hours.
    Day 06: Hike from Dhulikhel to Namo Buddha - Panauti and it takes approximately         
    four and half-hours and drive from Panauti to Kathmandu which takes approximately  one and half-hours.
  • Day 07: Deive to airport for your final departure. .

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Langtang Trekking

Langtang is a beautiful region lies in the Himalayas of Nepal to the north, 19 miles away from the Kathmandu Valley and bordering Tibet. The Langtang National Park is located in this area. The majority of the residents are Tamang. Langtang trekking is a popular and classic trek of Nepal. Langtang valley trekking is also called the valley of glaciers trek since this place is the closest place where you could get the view of massive snow capped mountains and beautiful glaciers.The trekking route goes through the traditional ethnic villages and untouched forests on the way to the peaks of langtang –lirung.The highlighted part of this trek includes a visit to the beautiful langtang valley, Buddhist monastery kyanjin Gompa, langtang Gompa , pine forest, rugged rock ,swift mountain streams, grassy down and plenty of yak herds on alpine meadows and langtang –Lirung glacier.

 The starting point of this trekking is Dhunche which takes around 8 to 9 hours drive from capital city Kathmandu. The first few days of the trek are spent climbing briskly up the Gorge-like lower langtang valley , overnighting at Syabru Besi, Syabru gaun and lama Hotel (2470m). Oaks and rhododendron give way to peaceful hemlock and larch forest ,after ascending an old moraine ,snowy peaks suddenly loom ahead and the gorge opens into a U-shaped wonderful scenic glacial valley.  On the next day you will arrive at langtang valley ,where you can visit two ethnic villages occupy the upper valley ;langtang (3300m), the bigger of the two , makes a good place to spend an extra night and acclimatize , while kyanjin Gompa (3750m) boasts a small monastery , a cheese ‘’Factory’’ (fabulous yoghurt) and a cluster of chalet –lodges which fill up early in high season. You can spend one more day to ascend Kyanjin Ri (4350m).from its top you will get spectacular views of mountains. From this place, you can retrace your route back down the valley to syabrubesi and then drive back to Kathmandu by collecting pleasant experience of beautiful langtang valley trek .

To find out more about this trekking please contact hare.


  • Day 01:  Arrival at Kathmandu and transfer to Hotel
  • Day 02:  Kathmandu valley sightseeing and trek preparation
  • Day 03:  Drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi
  • Day 04:  Trek from Syabrubesi to Lama Hotel
  • Day 05:  Trek from Lama Hotel to Langtang valley
  • Day 06:  Trek from Langtang valley to Kyanjin Gompa
  • Day 07:  Explore day. Ascend Kyanjin Ri and back to Kyanjin Gompa
  • Day 08:  Trek from Kyanjin Gompa to Lama Hotel
  • Day 09:  Trek from Lama Hotel to Syabrubesi
  • Day 10:  Drive from Syabrubesi to Kathmandu
  • Day 11:  Free day in Kathmandu
  • Day 12:  Final departure. Transfer to the airport.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Jomsom Dolpo Region Trekking

The Jomsom dolpo region opened for trekking  in 1989 and this route is especially fascinating  for those who love to explore beauties of remote areas  which is almost  untouched and unexplored ,meeting nomadic people and finding reminiscent of an ancestral way of lifestyles of them. Jomsom also named as Dzong-Sampa a beautiful town located at an altitude of about 2700m from sea-level in Mustang District of Nepal and is extended over the banks of kali Gandaki River. The fascinating part of this place is the Soaring peaks of Dhaulagiri and Nilgiri form a Backdrop. Similarly, another interesting part is dolpo region the scenic beauty of Himalayas, endless variety of dry landscapes resembling Tibetan plateau , culture and tradition and great people who have Tibetan descent makes it a destination that makes you to visit over and over again .The elevation of the trails is from 1650m to 5136 m above the sea level.
The trail begins from Jomsom by meandering through pine and cedar forest with the views of the huge Dhaulagiri range in background. The entrance to dolpo lies beyond the Jangla Bhanjyang pass,(4500m).Protected from rain, this region is dry where the Dolpo inhabitants have carved out a niche of survival in the harsh surroundings by trading with the nearby place Tibet. Similarly, another most important spiritual place is Shey Gompa, which can be visited at the mid-point of the trek. Another attraction of this region is ‘Shey-Phoksundo’ lake which is also best known for its ever-changing colors of water. The lake itself falls in the areas of  shey-phoksundo National Park where the park is home to some of the most remarkable wildlife such as the Spotted leopard, Blue Sheep, wolves and many other varieties of flora and fauna which Nepal has to offer. A well organized camping trek is required and trekking in a group is recommended .This trek is most suitable for those who are exceptionally fit and is well prepared to face the full challenge of the Himalayan wilderness. Steep climbs and descents are made to trek this place. As the most desolated and few developed districts in Nepal. This trek is reserved for those with a true logic of adventure in Nepal. This region was slightly affected by a major earthquake on 25 April 2015. However, after reconstruction this place is absolutely fine for trekking.

To find out more about this trekking please contact hare.
  • Day 01: Arrival In Kathmandu. 
  • Day 02: Sightseeing Tour In Kathmandu.
  • Day 03: Drive To Pokhara (930m).
  • Day 04: Fly Pokhara Jomsom (2713m). And Trek To Daker Dzong. 2950m. 
  • Day 05: Daker Dzong- Trek To Yak Kharka (3540m). 
  • Day 06: Yak Kharka Trek To Sangdang Phedi ( 4215m). 
  • Day 07: Sangdang Phedi Trek To Milung Kharka ( 4735m).
  • Day 08: Milung Kharka Trek To Chharka ( 4540m). 
  • Day 09: Chharka - Trek To Ramanan Kharka (4627m). 
  • Day 10: Ramanana Kharka Trek To Tarap Do Tarap (4950m). 
  • Day 11: Do Tarap Trek To Tokkyu Village. 
  • Day 12: Tokkyu-Trek To Chutung Dang (3967m).
  • Day 13: Chutung Dang-Trek To Cibu Kharka (3915m). 
  • Day 14: Cibu Kharka-Trek To Saldang (4100m).
  • Day 15: Saldang Trek To Yang Tsser Village (4300m).
  • Day 16: Yang Tsser Village Trek To Karang (4100m). 
  • Day 17: Karang Trek To Ramanan (4600m).
  • Day 18: Ramanan Trek To Samling Gompa (3800m).
  • Day 19: Trek Samling Gompa Trek To Shey Gompa (4500m) 
  • Day 20: Rest Day At Shey Gompa /Visit Chkarang Gompa.
  • Day 21: Shey Gompa- Trek To Yak Kharka (4500m). 
  • Day 22: Yak Kharka Trek To Ringmu (3600m) 
  • Day 23: Ringmu Trek To Rachi.
  • Day 24: Rachi Trek To Roha Village App. 
  • Day 25: Roha Village Trek To Juphal Airport.
  • Day 26: Juphal Airport- Fly To Nepalgunj. 
  • Day 27: Nepalgunj -Mountain Flight To Kathmandu
  • Day 28: In Kathmandu
  • Day 29: Trip ends ! fly back home, taking with you the memory of a life time.