Friday, November 6, 2015

Manaslu Expedition

Manaslu Expedition

Located in Central Nepal in the remote Gorkha region of Nepal, Manaslu is the 8th highest peak in the world at 8,163 meters and has a reputaion as one of the "achievable" 8,000m mountain. Climbing Manaslu can a great training climb for aspiring Everest climbers or as an alternative to Cho Oyu for those who want to climb a m ore varied and challenging 8,000er. 

Derived from the Sanskrit word, Manasa, meaning "intellect" or "soul", Manaslu means "Mountain of the Spirit". Manaslu was first climbed on May 9, 1956 by Toshio Imanishi and Gyalzen Norbu, members of a Japanese expedition.

Manaslu has six different routes with the north-east ridge route as the standard route whereas the south face is the toughest in climbing history. Manaslu base camp can be reached by trekking a week or flying in and out of base camp by helicopter to save time but then need to spend time acclimatizing before going higher. 

From the base camp, the climbing route follows a relatively straightforward line to the summit, which has few technical sections. Normally, four camps are set up during Manaslu climbing. The climbing from Camp 1 to Camp 4 is harder on Manaslu than on Everest but the summit night on Manaslu is easier and much shorter than on Everest.

If you are interested in this expedition, please contact here

Day 01: Arrival in Kathmandu and transfer to hotel.
Day 02: Kathmandu valley sightseeing.
Day 03: Official formalities and expedition briefing.
Day 04: Drive from Kathmandu to Arughat.
Day 05: Trek to Soti Khola.
Day 06: Trek to Machha Khola.
Day 07: Trek to Jagat.
Day 08: Trek to Philim.
Day 09: Trek to Umbale.
Day 10: Trek to Namru.
Day 11: Trek to Sama Gaon.
Day 12: Trek to Manaslu Base Camp.
Day 13: Rest day in Sama Gaon.
Day 14-44: Climbing period of Manaslu.
Day 45: Trek to Samagon.
Day 46: Trek to Larkey Pass.
Day 47: Trek to Bimdakhati
Day 48: Trek to Tilje.
Day 49: Trek to Tal.
Day 50: Trek to Syanje.
Day 51: Drive to Kathmandu.
Day 52: Free day in Kathmandu.

Day 53: Final departure. Transfer to the airport.

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